Saturday, June 28, 2008

Murray Darling Basin Map


The Murray Darling Basin Study Tour is an eleven day field-based educational study tour of one of Australia’s largest and most important river basins, The Murray-Darling Basin. Throughout the study tour, students receive talks from various stakeholder groups, such as farmers and irrigators, catchment managers, community groups, government, academics, and conservationists. The tour provides an excellent case study opportunity for students studying integrated river basin management, and exposes the students to the wide range of issues and opinions held throughout the wider stakeholder community. The study tour focuses of local issues facing the Murray-Darling Basin, such as declining river health, the long-term productivity and sustainability of the basin, allocation of water resources and water trading, environmental degradation, and climate change.

The Murray Darling Basin Study Tour is run by the International Water Centre, Brisbane, Australia, in partnership with the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. For more information visit: